Water: everywhere and free for everyone!

Water: everywhere and free for everyone!

Water for everyone

Drink as much as you want, for free!

Races, talks, meeting people and shows - these are just some of the activities you can experience at the Bike Festival. Water plays an important role! That is why we have made sure that you can get free drinking water everywhere on the festival site.

There are plenty of dispensers among the stands, so - when thirst strikes - just turn on the tap and drink as much as you want. 

In fact, in order not to run out of water, we recommend you to carry your own water bottle with you at all times. And if you forgot it, don't worry you can have the official event glass or water bottle!

Want to know where to find them? You have two options:

-Go to the Riva Bike Festival merchandising stand inside the Expo Area and buy the official event water bottle, created from sustainable and biodegradable materials.

-Ask for the event glass at all Festival beverage stands. Sturdy and made of recycled plastic, you can keep it forever by paying a small fee.

Remember drinking is good for you, even for your sports performance! 

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